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Manet Quotes

Edouard Manet was a highly significant artist whose opinions and connections were heavily rooted in the rise of Impressionism.

Manet's quotes help to open our eyes into the life of this talented artist and also to understand more about his battle to help contemporary art movements gain traction.

Since i focus on Portraiture, i found these quotes of Manet relevant.

"In a face, look for the main light and the main shadow; the rest will come naturally — it's often not important. And then you must cultivate your memory, because Nature will only provide you with references. Nature is like a warden in a lunatic asylum. It stops you from becoming banal".

"You would hardly believe how difficult it is to place a figure alone on a canvas, and to concentrate all the interest on this single and universal figure and still keep it living and real".

Hello, the name's Nicole 

Just another Artist, Welcome to my page, I hope you like and enjoy my works.~

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